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Helene's Wholemeal Spelt Bread


1 kg bag of wholemeal spelt flour

Strong white flour to make up to 3 lbs in total

2 oz fresh yeast

A little sugar

1½ oz lard, cut into small pieces

4 teaspoons salt

30 fl oz lukewarm water (either mix 20 fl oz hot water and 10 fl oz cold water or warm

30 fl oz in the microwave)


(using Kenwood Chef)

Put the yeast and water in the mixer bowl and mix gently for a few seconds. If the yeast has been frozen it may be sprinkled with a little sugar to give it a head start.

Add the lard, flour and salt (a vitamin C tablet can also be crumbled up and added if not already in the flour).

Start mixing on the lowest speed, slowly increasing to a moderate speed as the dough begins to combine.

Knead for about 3 minutes in total, until the dough is elastic and the sides of the bowl are clean.

Cover with a clean tea towel and leave to rise until doubled in volume (usually to the top of the bowl). Note that this will be quicker than is normal when using ordinary strong wholemeal flour (after about 20 minutes it is nearly climbing out of the bowl).

Meanwhile, grease 4 x 1lb loaf tins (or 2 x 2lb loaf tins).

After the dough has risen, knead for a further 1 or 2 minutes on minimum speed, then turn out onto a lightly floured board.

Divide evenly into 4 (or 2) pieces.

Stretch each piece into an oblong, fold into three and turn over so that the seam is underneath. Smooth the top and place in the tin. Brush with milk and scatter seeds on the top if desired.

Cover again with the tea towel and leave to rise until ½ inch over the top of the tins.

Bake at 230°C for 30 to 35 minutes. The bread will sound hollow if tapped on the bottom when it is cooked.

NB: Some white flour already has added ascorbic acid, so a vitamin C tablet isn't needed.