Three Malts and Sunflower Farmhouse Loaf

Three Malts and Sunflower Farmhouse Loaf

This is our head baker Chris’s recipe for a farmhouse loaf made with our lovely organic brown flour. Grains of wheat, rye and barley are malted for richness of flavour and then oven roasted. Gently blended with sunflower, linseed and pumpkin seeds, the three malts flour makes a delicious, well-balanced bread flour the colour of speckled hens.

You will need a 2lb loaf tin. Makes one farmhouse loaf.


600g Three Malts and Sunflower organic brown flour

300g warm water (around 35-40C temp for best yeast activity)

12g salt

9g dried yeast

25g soft butter


Weigh all the ingredients into a large bowl, combine and bring together. Turn out and knead for 10 minutes or until the gluten is well developed. 

Place back in the bowl, cover and prove for 1 hour in a warm place.

Turn out the dough, shape and place in a lightly oiled 2lb loaf tin. Cover and prove for 45 minutes – 1 hour.

Preheat your oven to 220C. Bake your loaf for 25-30 minutes until cooked through, and cool on a wire rack.