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Spelt sourdough bread

I'd like to share with you my recipe I found out for a long time of trying many proportions. Easy to make it and it's reach of flavour and taste. It takes at least 24h preparation. I know sounds horrible but it's not difficult at all.


- 350g starter (when you haven't done yet feed for at least 5 days every day 100ml cool boiled water and 100g main flour you are going to prepare your bread. Mine I keep at freadge after use for 4 days then 2 days feeding and again ready to be used)

- 500-550ml cool boiled water (it depends how thick is your starter)

- 25-30g salt

- 900g flour ( I use 200g of white rye four type max 1000 and white spelt flour max type 1000.

12pm add flours, salt and mix well then add starter and water. I use machine to mix it for 10 minutes so with hands around 15 minutes. On the end I take edges into the midle few times. Put into the bowl with lid and leave for 3h in cool dark place.

3pm 1st folding just for 1 minute with wet hands

3:40pm 2nd folding

4:20pm 3rd folding and divide dough on 2 pieces and put into 2 bowls.

5pm spread flour onto the surface where you do bread,on the 2 baskets as well. Take first dough and put onto the surface then make a little bit flat. Take one edge towards the middle then second same then roll over the rest. Cover ends to down, spread the flour then up side down throw in the basket. Repeat with second. Cover baskets with foil and leave in dark place for 3 hours then put into the fridge

next day