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Millet waffles


for millet waffles: 200g millet flour, 4 small fresh bananas chopped into 1.5cm pieces, 2 large (or duck) eggs, 50g corn flour, 55g avocado or coconut oil (melted), 300ml milk

for date and yougurt cream: 6 large medjool dates, 180g greek yoghurt

Method: using standing mixer mix chopped bananas, milk, and egg yolks. Refrigirate egg whites. Slowly add flour, cornflour, milk and coconut oil. Leave to stand for about an hour. In a separate bowl, beat eggs whites to soft peaks, slowly add to the batter and mix well. Bake in a waffle maker according to instructions.

Date cream best to make 2 days in advance: roughly chop 6 medjool dates, mix with the yoghurt and refrigiate in an air tight container for 2 days. Remove from the fridge and mix well before serving.