Regenerative Organic Flours

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A wholemeal rye flour used to make dark rye breads
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Our founder, John Lister, visited the 18th century mill of Michelbacher Mühle, west of the...
Available in 2 sizes
1kg, 25kg

Having removed the husk from the groat each one is cut into 2 or 3...
Available in 1 size

The whole rye grain crushed into two or three pieces and used traditionally in the...
Available in 1 size
500 g

One of the earliest cultivated grains, barley flour has a mild, distinctive and very slightly...
Available in 1 size

Milled from whole groats to make a coarse oatmeal flour
Available in 1 size

Rolled oats milled from the whole grain for a chunky texture, they are ideal for...
Available in 1 size
750 g