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WWW by Banjo's Bread


200g Shipton Mill No4 Organic White

75g Shipton Mill Organic Light Malthouse Flour

75g Winchester City Mill NT Stoneground Wholemeal Flour

50g Starter @ 100% hydration (Shipton Mill Dark Rye Flour)

7g Fine Sea Salt

260g Room Temperature Water


Mix everything APART from the salt and leave to Autolyse for 1hr

Scrunch in salt and perform first set of stretches and folds, repeat the S&F's every 45-60 minutes (dependant on ambient temperature) for the next three hours.

Pre-shape and bench rest for 20 minutes

Final shape and into bannetton for a long retarded prove in the fridge for at least 8 hours.

Bake at 220C with steam or Dutch Oven for 40-45 minutes