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Vegan pancakes


- 300 gr of plain or self-raising flour

- 1 teaspoon of baking powder

- a pinch of salt

- 400 gr of non-dairy milk (I like oat or hazelnut) - if you want you can have 300 gr or milk and 100gr of beer to make your batter lighter

- 2 tablespoons of oil

- 2 tablespoons of sugar ( you can choose what you prefer: honey maple syrup, caster sugar...)


- 1 or 2 teaspoons of cinnamon

- Vanilla extract (half a teaspoon)


1) Sift the flour in a bowl (do not skip this step)

2) Add all the dry ingredients to the bowl: baking powder + salt + caster sugar (if that's what you want to use) and mix well

3) Add the liquid (milk or milk +beer) little by little whisking thoroughly each time to avoid lumps. You can use an electric whisk or by hand.

4) Whisk in the oil and honey or maple syrup (if that's what you chose to use)

5) when it's well combined, let it rest for 30 minutes.

6) Add a little oil to a clean pan. When the pan is hot, add maybe around two to 3 tablespoons or batter (really that depends how big you want them to be!). When bubbles appear, you can flip the pancake so both sides are cooked.

7) Add your favourite topping and enjoy.