First note that I use "Sage by Heston Blumenthal" bread maker and it takes the ingredients in the oposite order for my old Panasonic bread maker. I am listing the ingrediens in the order I add them to my Sage, I hope that it is obvious for those who have other brands to rearrange the ordering. The settings on the Sage which I use for this bread are: Whole Wheat, a 1Kg loaf and medium crust. You can adjust the recipe for a larger or smaller loaf and of course set the crust to your own preference.
Yield 1Kg
400g (ml) water
3 tablespoons sunflower oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoons demerara sugar
240g Shipton Mill Wholemeal Spelt Flour
180g Shipton Mill White Spelt Flour
180g Shipton Mill Three Malts and Sunflower Brown Flour
1 tablespoons bread improver/dough conditioner (optional) [Can be found at Amazon]
2.5 tablespoons milk powder
2 teaspoon dry active yeast