120gr sourdough starter
390gr water
600gr organic white flour
10gr salt
olive oil
Start the day before you plan to make your pizza. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with the help of a dough scraper. You don't need to knead the dough just make sure you combine all the ingredients well untill you don't see any flour bits in the dough.
Make a ball and leave it to rest for an hour in a bowl grease with a good tablesppon of olive oil.
Fold the douhg like you will do with puff pastry and leave it to rest for another hour. Repeat the folding. Leave in the fridge overnight for at least 12 hours
Take the dough out of the fridge at least two hours before baking.
Divde the dough into three equal pieces and shape into balls. Preheat the oven 250C with a pizza stone.
Take one of the balls and with the heel of your hand in the centre start pushing the dough away from you turning the dough as you go untill you have a roughly round pizza around 25-30 cm. The edges should be thicker then the middle.
Spread the pizz with tomato sauce and your favourite ingredients. Slide the pizza onto the preheat pizza stone