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Khorasan Pancakes

Ingredients makes 4-6

100g Khorasan organic wholegrain flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 desert spoon olive oil

1 egg

500ml water

pinch of seasalt

organic butter for frying

brown suger for sprinkling

lemons for squeezing


mix all the ingredients in a jug by hand or in a blender if you have one, leave to rest for 10-15 minutes

heat a heavy frying pan over medium heat and melt a teaspoon of butter until sizzling hot

pour 1/4 of the mixture into the hot butter and cook for 2 - 3 minutes until bubbles form... flip over and add another teaspoon of butter for the other side

fry until golden and crispy.

flip onto plate and serve with lemon and sugar or make a savory version with fried eggs and black pepper...

great on a misty winter morning