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Isolation Bread Recipe

Makes 2 x Loaves


1Kg mixed flour

(I used Shipton Mill Malt and Sunflower Seeded Brown) 450g

Khorason Heritage Flour 450g

Italian 00 Flour 100g

15g Dried Yeast

700g Water

20g Salt


I autolysed for this recipe, to ensure the best flavour fromt the mixture of Brown/Heritage flour

Mix flours well, then add 700g Water - Knead into a dough, and rest for 45 mins to 60 mins

Take Autolysed dough and mix in the yeast and salt. Knead well to ensure both are well absorbed into the dough. Knead well until dough is ready to prove.

Prove for 60 mins in a warm place (Covered)

Take risen dough and shape as you prefer (The first time I tried this, I made a bloomer and a small loaf), I then used 2 x loaf tins, to make one small and 1 large loaf

Leave for 2nd proof in tins, or as shaped, for 60 mins (Turn on Oven to max, and use a baking stone if you have one) my stove will warm to 250c.

Once bread has proved, mist the oven to give it some steam and bake the loaves for 10 mins on 250c

Reduce the oven to 210c after 10 mins and cook for a further 15 mins (25 mins in total)