Quantities are for for two loaves in small bread tins
200g Shipton Mill gluten-free bread flour
200g Water
10g Sourdough ‘starter’ from last time (see below) OR a pinch (1/8th tsp) of dried yeast
This not only adds a flavour twist to the bread. The soaked seeds generate a gel that helps the dough to retain gas in small bubbles as it rises.
You can omit the soaker, but the dough's crumb will be a little less fine.
50g Chia seeds or Linseed or a mix of both
80g Water
Main dough
All the Sourdough less 1tsp
All the Soaker
1tsp Dried yeast
1½ tsp Salt
2tsp Honey
310g Warm water - Weigh it! Most measuring jugs are wildly inaccurate
350g Shipton Mill gluten-free bread flour
20ml Olive oil
Olive oil for brushing or spraying
1. Mix together ingredients for the sourdough. Leave 12 to 24 hours at room temperature
2. Mix together ingredients for soaker.
3. Remove 1tsp of fermented sourdough. Mix it with and 2tbsp of flour plus enough water to make a dough. Put it in the fridge in a loosely covered jam jar for next time. This will be your ‘starter’ for your next batch. It will keep for up to a week.
4. Grease two deep 500g bread tins.
5. Put the remaining sourdough, soaker and dried yeast into a bowl and mix vigorously. This is the best way to disperse the seeds thoroughly
6. Dissolve the honey in the lukewarm water
7. Pour the water mix onto the sourdough mix and stir thoroughly.
8. Add the flour and salt, then mix thoroughly for at least a minute. The dough will stiffen as the flour absorbs more water.
9. Add the olive oil and mix it in. The dough texture will change. The quality of the oil will subtly affect the finished bread’s flavour.
10. Share the dough equally between the two tins
11. Heat the oven to 220 degreesC fan, (240 degreesC fanless) - or on the grid shelf on the floor of an Aga's roasting oven
12. Cover the dough with a damp tea towel and leave it to rise until the dough is level with the top of the tins. 30 degreesC is ideal. In a warm room this will take 40 minutes. In a cooler room it will take longer. Watch it like a hawk! If it overflows, the dough has risen too much.
13. When it has risen, score the top of each loaf with a sharp knife, then brush or spray the top with olive oil.
14. Put into the oven, reduce temperature by 20 degrees and bake for about 30 to 40 minutes until golden brown.
15. To double check the bread is cooked, turn it out and tap its bottom. It should come out easily and sound hollow.
16. Leave to cool before eating.
This bread makes particularly delicious toast.
Modified February 2022 to reflect further experience with the basic recipe.