This makes a large wholemeal Shipton Mill Extra Course Flour using a bread maker
1 tsp dry yeast
1.5 tsp brown caster sugar (I use Billingtons)
1.25 tsp (lo salt)
Shipton Wholemeal Extra Course Flour (216) 500g (Organic)
25g Kerry Gold Irish Butter (or 2 tbsp of sun flower oil). Use unsalted butter to keep salt content down if preferred.
370ml Water
Add all dry ingredients in bread pan firstly, then add flour, then butter and then water..
this takes 5 hours baking time.
Remove from breadmaker immeditely, allow to cool on wire tray.
Enjoy bread when cooled.
Tip- put your bread (when cool) in a bees waxed linen cloth, keeps fresh for about 4-5 days but softens crust,which might be a good thing for some folk.