12 portions and approx 60 minutes to complete
250g chestnut flour
5 large eggs
150g sugar
250g full fat milk
200g oil
10g baking powder
100g of 70% chocolate
15g 100% chocolate powder
One handful of Pecan or Walnuts for texture
One generous pinch of salt
1. Preheat the oven to 180° C
2. Separate all 5 egg whites from their yolks
3. Chop the chocolate and nuts into small rough pieces
4. Mix the chestnut flour, sugar, baking powder, chocolare powder, milk, egg yolks, oil, nuts (walnuts or pecan) and chocolate pieces
5. Whip the egg whites, with a generous pinch of salt, into mountain peaks, then fold them very carefuly into the mixture
6. Place the mixture into a round oiled baking tin
7. Place in the middle of the oven for about 40 minutes, then check the middle with a knife, to ensure its baked through
8. Allow to cool and then enjoy.....