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Cheese Rolls


500g Shipton Mill no 1 flour.

2 tsp dried instant yeast

1.5 tspn salt

2 tsp dry mustard

200g cheese ; grated (half & half emmental & gruyere is a current fav)

1 tbsp olive oil

320g +/- water Topping

further handful grated cheese

sliced red onion

grinding of black pepper


Mix flour, salt, mustard & yeast Add water & olive oil to form a rough sticky dough.

Knead for 5 minutes on medium- i prefer to use a mixer for this recipe as the dough benefits from being quite moist. If kneading by hand try not to add to much additional flour.

Add cheese and knead for a further 5 minutes The finished dough should be soft, slightly tacky and nicely elastic

Place dough in an oiled bowl and proof for 1-1.5 hours till doubled in size.

Turn dough out and divide - this dough will make 8 substantial rolls or a more polite 10

Place shaped rolls onto a large baking sheet or 2 smaller sheets Preheat oven to 200 deg C

Mix grated cheese for topping with the onion & black pepper and sprinkle generously onto each roll

Cover rolls with oiled clingflim and proof for a further 45-60 mins

Bake for 20-30 mins till nicely golden brown and a maddening salivatory aroma emenates from the oven

Cool on a rack for at least 20 mins before devouring. For use wth burgers they are better allowed to cool completely.

The rolls keep well overnight and refresh well in a hot oven for 5 minutes should you be in the unheard of position that they last more than a day ;)

Variations (all tried & tested)

1.Add a finely chopped bunch of spring onions to the dough when you are adding the cheese

2. Omit the mustard and the oil and add 2 good tbsp pesto when adding the water.

3.Use a mixture of grated parmesan , roasted red peppers & sliced olives to top the rolls

4. Use Shipton Mill Organic Canadian flour for a chewier result.