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Cheese and Olive Cob


500g Shipton Mill Organic Strong White Flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp soft light brown sugar

1 sachet fast action yeast

1 tbsp cold pressed rapeseed oil

130g mature cheddar cheese, grated

130g green or black olives, sliced

300ml water


Mix the flour, salt, sugar and yeast together.

Add the grated cheese and olives and coat well in the flour mixture.

Add the oil and warm water.

Combine using hands to form a soft dough.

Knead the dough into a dome shape.

Place dough on a floured baking sheet and cover with lightly oiled cling film.

Leave in a warm place until it has doubled in size (40-60 minutes).

Pre-heat the oven to 220oC placing a roasting tray on the bottom shelf.

Once risen, dust the surface of the dough with flour and slash with a sharp knife.

Place in the oven and, before shutting the door, add a jug of cold water to the roasting tray to create steam for a shiny crust.

Bake for 15 minutes before rotating the loaf and lowering the oven temperature to 200oC for the final 15 minutes of baking.

The loaf will be ready when tapping its base creates a hollow sound.

Cool on a wire rack.