400g sourdough starter
400g strong white flour
100g strong wholemeal or light rye flour
one handful of pinhead oats
100g grated cheddar or red leicester cheese
1 teaspoon salt
350 ml water (approx)
Add the sour dough starter to the flour, grated cheese and oats. Add half the water and mix to a rough, crumbly mess. Leave 10 minutes to let the starter begin to work. Then add the salt and enough water to make a smooth dough. Knead for 5 minutes, leave overnight in a covered bowl to prove. Knead in the morning and leave two more hours. Shape into a ball, place into a silicone paper lined 1 pint casserole, glass or cast iron. Cut a slit in the top and leave to prove for a few more hours.
Put the lid on the casserole and bake at Gas Mark 5 - 40 minutes lid on, 10 minutes lid off, last 10 minutes out of the casserole and upside down for a really crispy crust.
Cool on a rack if you can restrain yourself. Eat!