water 320ml
cider vinigar 1tbsp
olive oil 4 tbsp
egg 1
xanthum gum 1 tbsp
Shipton Mill gf bread flour 450g
honey 1 tbsp
salt 1tsp
yeast 2 tsp
For a bread machine loaf stick it all in, and press go on the gf setting. Depending on your machine, it'll take under 2 hrs. Boom!
If you're going for the hand job, which makes a better loaf tbh, I mixed it in a mixer with a dough hook. You can't knead this like regular dough. I mixed hard for a good 10 mins with said dough hook and then put into a throughly oiled 1lb loaf tin with a single lining of greaseproof as a precaution. I proved it in the tin for about 45mins till it added 50% in size. Baked at 180 for 29 mins or so, depending on your oven, by which time it doubled in size. Knock out of tin and check for 'hollow bottom knock' and then leave to cool. Best on day one, but good as toast for up to 5-6 days.
I always use best ingredients I can; posh olive oil, but veg oil is in the original recipe I adapted this from; honey but you can use sugar. I've added chia seeds, poppy seeds, pink peppercorns, whatever you might like. Really the best loaf of bread you'll get in the gf circuit, somewhere between sourdough and heavy savoury cake.
Can't commend the SM gf bread mix enough. Excellent!