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Chia, Poppy seed and Turmeric sourdough bread


200g white starter (100% hydration)

400g flour

400g water

11 hr RT ferment

Final dough:

1000g levain (all of the above)

1240g cool water

2000g flour

50g salt

25g Extra Virgin Olive Oil

50g poppy seeds

50g chia seeds

10g Turmeric

45 min autolyse (flour and water, then add levain and the rest of the ingredients)

2 hours bulk with S/F every 30 min

3 hour retard in the fridge

Scaled, shaped and transferred to proofing baskets.

12-hour cold ferment

Baked for 30 minutes with steam at 230C then lowered to 200 for around 15-20 minutes.