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Yam yam Squares


-one egg
-3 spoonfull yogurt
-1/3 teaspoon salt
-1 level teaspoon baking soda
-2 cups of flour
-2 or 3 cups of oil, depending how large is the pan you will use / You can use your chip pan, just make sure oil used is not over used so it is light and tasty. Best results achieved with fresh frying oil. You can use the oil you used to fry it to make chips later on.


Place yogurt, egg, salt and baking soda in a bowl mix well. Once the ingredients mixed add the 2 cups of flour gradually and kneed by hand about 10 minutes or machine for at least five minutes until it is soft (ear lobe soft) and smooth, but not too sticky to handle.
Prep and clean your surface, shape your dough and divide in to two. Roll each one out with a rolling. Not too thin about 1cm thick cooks better. Last thing you need to do is too cut it all about 5 cm square pieces. Heat your oil in a pan over medium heat, place the dough squares in the pan and fry each side a few minutes until golden brown. You may need to turn down the heat if they seem to brown in less then a couple of minutes. If you fry them in the chip pan might, turning them might no be necessary.
They should not absorb too much oil, just in case you can transfer the cooked ones in a heat resistant sieve lined with a clean paper kitchen to towel, to get rid of any excess oil.
They are great when still hot after resting a few minutes or cold for later. Once cooled can be wrapped up cotton tea towel or any purpose made fabric wrap to keep them soft for a day or so. If they will last longer they need to be wrapped up tighter.